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Can I claim home office expenses?Yes, you can claim home office expenses based on Work Related Use. These may include Electricity, Gas, Rent, Rates & Taxes, Mortgage Interest, Office furniture etc.
Are winnings from Gambling assess able for tax?No, generally speaking these windfalls are non taxable.
Can I claim home to work car expenses?Generally speaking, no you can't claim home to work car expenses, however exceptions do apply.
What is a Testamentary Trust?A Testamentary Trust is a Trust that is created as a result of a valid Will to receive a beneficiaries share. The benefits of such a structure include Tax, Asset protections, commercial and other family protection benefits.
What is negative gearing?Negative Gearing is where the outgoings are more than the income received from an investment, usually rental premises. This excess, or loss, is allowed as a tax deduction hence reducing tax payable.
What is a Tax Agent?A Tax Agent has the legal ability to act on your behalf with the ATO on your behalf and has the knowledge to advise on all matters tax related.
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